6 Captivating Moments That Wrapped Things Up In Episodes 15-16 Of

After 16 episodes and eight weeks of excitement, laughs, emotions, and love, “Lovely Runner” has come to an end. And as sad as it is to say goodbye to Im Sol (Kim Hye Yoon) and Ryu Sun Jae (Byeon Woo Seok), the ending couldn’t have been more satisfying to watch. This couple gave us some of the greatest romantic moments in K-dramaland, but their impact doesn’t end there. They showed us what a true, selfless, generous, and resilient spirit can do for its loved ones and the lengths you can go to pursue your goals. It dove into the poetical concept of soulmates and fate: of those who are meant to be, who will encounter each other no matter what. This K-drama brought into the rom-com genre the intricacies of time, the complexity of grief and loss, the humor even among the saddest of times, and above all, the beauty of a life enlightened by love and hope. For all of those reasons, to bid a proper farewell to this extraordinary story, here are the most captivating moments in its final episodes.

Warning: spoilers from episodes 15-16 ahead! 

1. Ryu Sun Jae’s heart leading him to Im Sol again

With the time resetting we saw in the previous episodes, it was complicated to understand how or when the love story would reignite, even more with a threat still lurking around our couple. However, this is Sun Jae we’re talking about. He is the king of melodrama, the ultimate loverboy, and the one and only for Im Sol. If there’s something that makes Sun Jae highly distinct from any other male lead in any other K-drama, it’s his blunt, sincere, and at times pathetic way to follow his feelings for Im Sol. He is very vocal about his romantic interest – he has been so in every timeline – and doesn’t care whether he looks like a fool in love or if his absurd claims and antics make him embarrass himself. He follows his heart relentlessly, looking for a chance to be with the woman who has moved and shaken his life to his core.


From caring about Im Sol when she is ill to hiding her shoes to prevent her from leaving abruptly from his side, he tries everything to have a moment with her. With or without his memories, his heart gravitates inevitably towards the only woman who could bring it to life once again. But this doesn’t mean he doesn’t respect Sol’s feelings. The moment she marks her boundaries, claiming she already has a person she loves, he heartbreakingly takes a step back, accepting her decision to never meet again. That is, only until she is ready to let go of whatever is burdening her and fully opens her heart to him. This is exactly why and how Sun Jae ended up winning not only Sol’s heart, but everyone else’s. His good looks and goofy personality may be super appealing, but his way of love is ultimately what makes him a unique and very loved character.

2. Kim Tae Sung changing fate by catching Kim Young Soo

One of the best surprises and most captivating aspect in this K-drama is definitely Kim Tae Sung (Song Geon Hee). At the beginning of the show, this second male lead had an ambiguous role within the plot, so it was hard to discover exactly what his impact would be. With Sol and Sun Jae’s love story being that powerful, adding a third wheel could have been a risky move. However, he proved his importance through and through. Kim Tae Sung ended up being the true key to change the ill-fate that was attached to our main couple. With his help, we could see a proper ending to the villain of the story. Just as Kim Young Soo didn’t have a motive or reason to want to kill Sol or Sun Jae, his ending was just as meaningless, showing how fate can be that ironic at times.

Though we didn’t get much of Kim Tae Sung’s backstory, he always showed a very charming personality, giving a clear insight in every situation –whether it was as a 19-year old online star or as a committed detective – without missing his cheeky side. His presence in the last timeline as a life-long friend of Sol, supporting her throughout her hardest times without Sun Jae, and even doing a superb job hunting down the man that could have possibly destroyed Sol’s happiness, is enough to turn him into a very dear character. His last farewell is (though a little nostalgic and bittersweet) very fitting for him. He would always be content just by seeing Sol being happy. She is the woman who, far from being just a potential romantic interest, is a true friend who also gave comfort to his life.


3. Ryu Sun Jae regaining his memories of Im Sol

Just as Sol’s grandma says in a moment in the show, your memories never truly disappear. Everything you touch, see, hear, and love throughout your life can’t vanish in thin air. They stay as a part of yourself, safe within your soul. That’s why, the moment Sun Jae gets a hold of the clock that Sol once gifted him, his memories slowly start to return; the first one being the melody of “Sudden Shower,” the song he so lovingly composed for her. But when snow starts to fall, and he sees a girl with a yellow umbrella, the vivid image of a young Sol in her uniform triggers his memories from every timeline. They flow freely into his head, making his mind, soul, and heart align once again at last. His regained memories put every piece of the time he lived with Im Sol like a kaleidoscope of the most vivid colors where the main object is, and always will be, his love for her.


What was amiss and confusing for him before, now makes perfect sense. Im Sol is not just the producer he likes. She is the girl he loved at first sight at 19 years old but couldn’t confess to for 15 years. She is the young woman who jumped through time and space to save his life. She is the person who gave up everything to give him a chance at life, even at the cost of her own heart. He realizes that there is no other fate for him, in any time or life, than to love Sol forever. The way this moment was written and executed in the drama carries such a big importance, showing how Sun Jae not only regains a vital piece of himself, but it also shows us that every moment they lived together had a purpose and a meaning up until this point.


4. Im Sol and Ryu Sun Jae embracing their destiny

With his memories back and Kim Young Soo out of the picture, there’s nothing holding back Sun Jae and Sol from running to each other. Their fate has been so carefully tied together that the only thing left is for them to go to their rightful place: into each other’s embrace. It only takes Sun Jae looking into Sol’s eyes and uttering her name with the same loving familiarity to crumble all of her barriers; that strong shell that has kept her from completely shattering after 15 years of longing. Seeing them actually fulfill their love, without worries of him getting killed or her disappearing, must be one of most emotive climaxes a K-drama has ever had.

Going from there, their happiness shines through every moment they have together. In their silly hidden dates, sharing the day-to-day trivialities, peacefully embracing their time, without wanting to spend a single day apart from each other. The perfect closure for this time-slip plot comes with Sol’s grandma throwing Sun Jae’s clock – the time machine that started everything – in the same stream where Sol traveled to the past for the first time. With this, we can be sure that they won’t need to travel in time anymore, as the two lovely runners who have been trying to catch up with each other’s feelings have reached their final destination and can continue their lives together.

5. Im Sol pursuing her dreams as a director

Every story needs a core, and in “Lovely Runner” that core is none other than Im Sol. She is a woman with the purest of hearts that loves passionately and selflessly, especially Sun Jae and her family. She can make the biggest sacrifices and go through the greatest of pains without losing her smile (something that was impeccably portrayed by Kim Hye Yoon). But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have other interests or goals. Ever since the beginning of the drama she is shown as a very hard-working person. She is career driven and has plenty of dreams, the main one being working as a film director. Even when her opportunities were limited due to her disability in the first timeline, she never lost hope to accomplish her dreams one day. That is why it is so meaningful that she decides to take on a new challenge and direct her first film.

Of course, her love for Sun Jae still holds a very central place in her life, but with her embarking on her professional journey, this K-drama shows us that any woman can have both her career and a fulfilling love. Sun Jae is also part of this, as he doesn’t see Sol as only the recipient of a one-sided love, but as a person who has willingly accepted all of his heart. He sees her thriving to make her dreams come true, and he supports her wholeheartedly, even if that means delaying his plans of a future together. Their characters once again prove how purely and equally they love each other, making them shine even more, whether it is together or individually.


6. Ryu Sun Jae and Im Sol promising a future together

Im Sol and Ryu Sun Jae’s story is so endearing and moving for its uniqueness. Though their approaches to love might differ – Sol chooses the life of her beloved above his affections for her, and Sun Jae chooses their love over his life – it is equal in intensity and nature, coming from the deepest core of their souls. That’s why their journey of love is so captivating. It transcends not only time and space, but it also has united people around the globe outside of the screen to root for them. A love so strong that can make anyone believe in fate and soulmates can only reach its peak in the most perfect way: with a happy ending. The boy and girl who met on a rainy spring day end their story of love and redemption on a beautiful spring day filled with cherry blossoms, hand in hand, promising an everlasting and bright future together.

And so it ends, but this is far from over for “Lovely Runner.” Though the story might come to a conclusion, to all the fans and viewers that laughed, cried, and loved Sun Jae and Sol so much, it will remain in their hearts for a long time. Despite the many hurdles along the way, this show proved its worth and gained a well-deserved popularity due to the incredible writing capability of Lee Si Eun, the heartfelt directing of Yoon Jong Ho and Kim Tae Yeop, the perfectly fitting OST and scenery, and of course, due to the cast. This K-drama has probably positioned Kim Hye Yoon and Byeon Woo Seok as the true heirs of the rom-com genre, as they set the standard for what a great performance and sparkling chemistry between a couple of talented actors should be. “Lovely Runner” will surely be missed, but it will go down in the history of K-dramas as one of the best of 2024.

Catch all the episodes of “Lovely Runner” below: 

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Hey Soompiers! Have you watched the last episodes of “Lovely Runner”? What are your thoughts on the ending? Let us know all about it in the comments below! 

Andy zar is an avid drama watcher, from K-dramas to C-dramas, she believes any weekend is a good weekend to enjoy 12 hours of binge-watching dramas. She loves romance, web comics, and K-pop. Her favorite groups are EXO, TWICE, and BOL4.

Currently watching:Lovely Runner
Plans to watch:Will Love In Spring

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