Recap: "A Pink's Showtime" Ep 6 – Not Even Rain Can Stop Us from Eating
Previously on a blockbuster A Pink Showtime, Bomi drew some bugs, Nam Joo lost all hope, Naeun was a statue, Eunji fires some energy beams, Chorong became Iron Lady, Ha Young got flustered and there was puppies, many many puppies. This week is a Ha Young bonanza as the members head off on a train trip to the lovely recreation city of Chuncheon, just like Ha Young wanted. However, all is not well when they arrive.
Chapter 1 – The A Pink Express 999
It’s a rainy autumn day and the A Pink members gather around the entrance stairs of Yongsan station, singing some rain related tunes. Ha Young is looking rather elated today, taking the lead and bouncing about in glee. So why have the A Pink members come to a train station? That’s because today they will be fulfilling Ha Young’s telepathy wish from last week!
What does this mean? This means that Ha Young and Co. will be getting on a train and heading out to the lovely recreation city of Chuncheon for a day of fun and excitement! By excitement, we obviously mean food, plenty and plenty of food. But there is slight problem. It’s raining cats and dogs. This doesn’t seem to faze the members thou, when has a little rain stopped them?
Chorong, however, proposes that they should catch a train to Chuncheon then immediately turn around and come back by train. A true “train” trip. Hopefully that won’t happen for their sakes. Anyway the young members head up the stairs full of anticipation while old little Chorong and Eunji gingerly climb up the stairs (Only to start sprinting up once the youngin’s tell them the last one up has to buy them all coffee.)
In the station, Naeun goes up to the counter to buy tickets for the next train to Chuncheon. Tickets bought, the next thing they need to do is, of course, buy some much needed snacks. Tickets in one hand and bread in the other, the ladies head down to the platform to board their train. On the platform, Chorong and Bomi gets some fresh dance inspirations from the sights and sounds of the train station.
Chapter 2 – Eggs Are There to Be Broken
On the A Pink Express, the ladies busy themselves by taking artistic photos of Naeun along with numerous other selfies. Photos, however, are just a small part of their trip. One of the best parts of a train trip is to stuff your face with snacks of all shapes and sizes. Among the various types of snacks on offer, the one that most comes mind is boiled eggs. Luckily Eunji didn’t forget this vital information and has bought some eggs.
However, eggs have shells and shells need to be broken. You could always break it yourself but that would just be dull. Bomi instead proposes that they break the eggs on each others’ head. Even better, why have everyone do it when you could just use one head for all six eggs? To see who gets the honor of lending their heads to this important task, the group plays a simple game of scissors paper rock.
The stage is set and the dice is rolled. The ladies play their cards and as the dust settles, Nam Joo and Naeun are the only ones left standing. However, we only require one head, therefore the show must go on! Unable to look each other in the eye, our worthy warriors look away before playing their final hand.
The results are conclusive, Naeun’s scissors slices through Nam Joo’s paper with ease. Even before our unfortunate victim(?) can process this information, Bomi holds her egg up high then strikes down on the head of Nam Joo like Thor’s hammer.
However, the worst is yet to come. Gladiator Eunji steps up next. With egg in one hand, our fearless egg breaker eyes her target with glee, adjusting her aim with absolutely precision.
Meanwhile, Nam Joo can do nothing but shut her eyes in fear, unable to predict when the final strike will come.
Preparations complete, Eun Ji goes in for the kill! A decisive strike, one that Nam Joo will remember for a long time.
Two down but there is still three more to go. However, the rest of the members fill pity for Nam Joo and decide to break it themselves. Ha Young even goes as far as to question how anyone could break the eggs over someone’s head, leaving Eunji in a rather awkward position.
Naeun then decides to break it over her own head with resounding success. Eggs broken, the members dig in to the delicious innards.
Of course, there is no sharing.
Chapter 3 – The Food Cart Raid
Chorong then asks why Ha Young wanted to go on a train trip so much. Ha Young talks about how her friends would talk about all the train trips they would take. Naeun also mentions how she has yet to go on any university camps yet. Clearly this trip will fulfill the wishes of a lot of the members.
Given that Ha Young is the one that suggested Chuncheon, we could reasonably presume that she knows her way around the city…right? However, Ha Young remains silent when asked by Chorong to be their guide. Naeun talks about how they should go canoeing. Ha Young also approves, saying that stormy weather is the best time to go canoeing. Eunji, however, is having none of that and asks her if she’s planning on being swept away by the rapids. Naeun, however, is still clearly interested as she continues to look up photos of canoeing on her phone. You never know, the weather might improve once they get there (ahahaha no…)
It’s been a few minutes now since their last feast and the food has run dry. Not a problem right? They should all be full. ahahaha of course not. The ladies still have a long way to go and their stomachs demand more sacrifices! Good news! There are food carts on trains so they can stock up once the lady comes around with the cart. But just buying food would be no fun, let’s spice this up by playing a game.
They will tape some lines on the floor, the members will then pick which leg will pass the line first when the cart lady comes. The group that picks the right leg will have to pay for all their food. Bomi, Chorong and Eunji are in the right leg team while Nam Joo, Ha Young and Naeun will be the left leg team. Once a group loses, they will play scissors paper rock once again to pick just one person.
Game decided, they wait for the food cart. Then! The door glides open and the majestic sight of a cart full of food enters their view. As the cart lady walks past, all their eyes are focus on the line taped onto the floor. Which team will come out victorious?
As the cart lady walks by, she gracefully places her left leg across the line. It appears that the juniors will have to fight it out among themselves now. After a few intense quick rounds of scissors paper rock, the lucky(?) individual that gets to pay for A Pink’s snacks is finally decided. Unfortunately, it’s once again Nam Joo on the receiving end. Really not her day today is it?
Eunji and Chorong are already busy picking out snacks from the cart. They also decide to be very generous (With Nam Joo’s money) by buying the staff some snacks as well. Paying no attention to the clearly concerned financier, Eunji begins to raid the cart for everything it has, filling both hands with an assortment of snacks.
Now that the storm has passed, it’s time to see what the damage was like. The cart lady gets her calculator out (Siren’s probably blaring in Nam Joo’s head at the moment) and starts to calculate the total costs. So what is the final cost? A staggering US$45 dollars! Just on snacks! Our dear financier is left in a state of shock as she hands over her bank card to pay for this massive buffet. As the cart lady leaves the scene, she once again steps over the line with her left leg. Perhaps this is what you call fate?
Chapter 4 – A Pink, the Goddess of Rain
As they get closer and closer to Chuncheon, the weather becomes sunnier and sunnier. Maybe their luck is improving? With Chuncheon just a few moments away, the ladies start to clean up after their feast. However, what to do about the left over bread? That’s simple. Eunji tells them to store them carefully…in their stomachs. Eventually all the bread is carefully stored in Ha Young’s stomach.
The members have finally landed in Chuncheon. They start to head out, filled with excitement. However, it appears that Bomi has already broken her umbrella. Maybe it’s a sign? Perhaps they might NOT need the umbrella? As the group leaves the station down the escalators, the sight spread before them leaves them shocked and speechless.
Rain and not just a tiny bit of rain but an absolute torrent of the stuff. Rain and wind so strong that it will probably sweep away our poor little ladies if they were to set out. So much for that brief glimmer of sunlight in the train. Nam Joo thinks the staff has borrowed a super sized rain machine while Ha Young thinks that this is all part of a elaborate hidden camera segment. Unfortunately, their wishes does not change reality. Still they are here in Chuncheon so they might as well at least go to the canoeing location, just in case it’s still viable.
The group arrives at the docks but it’s all for naught. While the rain has died down slightly, it still too much to go out canoeing. The disappointed members sit inside the store lamenting their own misfortune while also pointing fingers at Ha Young.
A flustered Ha Young is unable to say anything to calm them down and is rocked about by Naeun. Nam Joo talks about how the group carries the rain around with them. Unfortunately the canoe will have to wait for next time.
But now they are here what else can they do? Simple! Go eat! Spicy Grilled Chicken is a famous dish around these parts. It wouldn’t be A Pink if they didn’t savor some of the famous local dishes. What next? Go back home of course. So today’s schedule shall be train trip -> food -> more food -> train home.
Bomi then proposes that they should have another game to decide who pays for the chicken. Miss $40’s, Nam Joo, clearly welcomes this new development. They also propose to have the game there and then but Ha Young stops them, telling them they shouldn’t anger each other already. The members then rebel against her, asking her if she feels angry about buying the rest of the members a meal. Ha Young tries to resolve the situation by saying that the person that doesn’t get picked would get angry. Chorong then tells her that she should buy it so that she doesn’t get angry. Ha Young once again avoids the situation by saying that she is more than happy to get angry.
Chapter 5 – Opening Pandora’s Box
Suddenly the Q Cam rings in to break up their debate. Q Cam wants to know what’s inside each of the member’s bag. Ha Young is the first to start. The first item in her bag is a hat, a must-have item for all celebrities. She also has a pouch and a tablet to check the news on the go.
She also reveals her adult citizen’s card for the first time ever. Naeun tells her that her ID photo makes her look old. Ha Young then corrects her saying that she always looked old.
They also discover a photo from when she was 13 years old.
And a photo of when she was in high school
and lastly a photo of when she was a baby.
We then get to see Ha Young gradually grow up, from baby to 19 year old A Pink member. (Great gif material I might add.) Eunji looks back at Ha Young’s baby pictures, jokingly saying that no one would have predicted that this baby would end up growing up to be 180cm.
Next is Naeun’s bag. It starts off simple enough, a pouch, wallet and mirror. She has also taken the garbage bags from the train as well. In her wallet, she carries around her lucky $2 US bill. She has a few spare and hands them out to the other members as well.
Ha Young also puts her hand out to get one but unfortunately Naeun has run out of lucky bills.
As Naeun looks through her wallet, Ha Young notices something interesting but is quickly stopped by Naeun. Bomi and Chorong both tell her not to reveal what is inside her wallet, saying it’s a danger to herself. Naeun looks through the other photos in her wallet, hoping to find one that she can reveal. Unfortunately most of them are from pre to early debut. The photos remain a secret for now.
Next up, Nam Joo opens up her big bag of stuff. From within pours out pouches, mirrors and another bag?! There is also toothpaste (Eh?), a bible, phone batteries, Double A batteries, ointment, chewing gum and keys. Nam Joo then jokingly says she is selling everything for 50 cents a piece. Bomi quickly picks up her expensive set of headphones as Nam Joo looks on with regret in her eyes.
They also decide to look inside Nam Joo wallet and find a whole bunch of sticker photos. She mentions that someone told her to take a lot of photos as they end up being the only things you end up being left with. Naeun also says that she took some photos with friends during her holiday. Nam Joo asks her which friends they were but Naeun just tells she wouldn’t know them even if she told her. Still Naeun tells the members her friends’ names but as expected, no one knows who they are.
Chorong begins to open her bag and takes out a big bottle of water. Bomi quickly tells everyone that is a bottle of freshwater snail water. However everyone quickly corrects her, telling her that it is actually Burdock water. Bomi tries to act unfazed while Eunji laughs her heart out next to her. Chorong continues to reveal the content of her bag and takes out some medicine for her poor gums. She also takes out a hair roller that she carries around everywhere.
Lastly she takes out some photos she took with her sister and dad. She also decides that now is the best time to take her gum medicine.
Chapter 6 – Miss Ha Young’s Short Rebellion
The Q Cam then rings again. This time they have received a question from a certain Miss Oh Ha Young from the Seoul Performance Arts High School. Miss Ha Young wants to know if A Pink will have a Reversed Seniority Chat (Where the oldest person becomes the youngest and vice versa). A Pink’s Ha Young then claims that the staff promised to keep this anonymous. Obviously she didn’t pinky swear.
Right hand women, Bomi, then inquires with Big Boss Chorong about whether they should carry out Ha Young’s question. Big Boss Chorong, right hand Bomi and left hand Eun Ji deliberate on the matter while the juniors wait in horror. The gang starts to question a clearly flustered Ha Young about the various conditions of her wish.
As Big Boss Chorong continues to berate Ha Young for her insolence, Bomi and Eunji quietly gestures from behind the big boss, telling the juniors to go ahead with this plan. Bomi then resumes her role as right hand women, telling the boss that she is not in favor of this wish (While secretly giving Ha Young the OK!).
Unfortunately, Big Boss Chorong is not blind to these schemes and punishes Bomi for her treachery. Defeated, the boss decides to go ahead with the chat session. Eunji gets the phone out to record this momentous event. It will go for just one minute and they must do everything they want within that time.
Timer starts and Bomi immediately decides to give their new junior, Chorong, a cute little face rub.
Bomi continues her attack, telling Chorong to sit correctly. Naeun also joins in on the fun and tells our new junior to say something. Eunji is also unable to avoid being targeted by her new seniors. The new boss, Ha Young, worries about the state of Bomi’s ripped jeans.
Chorong then asks if she has to speak politely to them, of course says a brave Bomi. Naeun then tells her to call her “Unni/Older Sister.” Chorong then asks why she has to while glaring at Naeun. Unable to endure her piercing glares, Naeun answers back in the most polite way possible.
Chorong continues her push, asking Bomi if she’s having fun in a rather sinister manner.
Bomi starts to get up to retaliate but the timer has reached zero. Bomi quickly goes silent but is unable to avoid Chorong’s retribution. Bomi, however, has learned nothing from her experience and wants to do this again, which warrants another attack from Chorong. As Chorong continues to question Bomi’s loyalty towards the boss, the junior members avoid making eye contact, hoping to avoid the wrath of Chorong.
In an effort to save herself, Bomi pins the blame on Ha Young. A benevolent Chorong then tells the juniors that she is more than happy to do this again (While glaring at them ominously.) Ha Young quickly tells her she absolutely hates these sorts of games in an effort to survive.
Ha Young tries to change the topic by asking if there is another question. Rather than wait for a real question, Bomi goes forward and sets her own question, asking the members what they want to eat. Bomi then claims that they did nothing besides doing Ha Young’s seniority chat. Ha Young retaliates by asking her if she didn’t enjoy it as well, to which Bomi says she wanted to thank her for the occasion. Ha Young then does another self Q-Cam, stating that the staff will pay for A Pink’s meal. With that decided, the members head out to fill their tummies.
Chapter 7 – The Chickens Come Bearing Love
At the restaurant, the members are enthralled by the sounds of sizzling chickens and vegetables. They decide to express their happiness by doing a word poem using the words “Spicy Grilled Chicken.” Nam Joo starts off with a simple poem about grinding up chicken and mixing it together. Ha Young’s poem is a roller coaster of emotions, starting off lighthearted about chickens in a coop before turning dark and talking about how chickens were fated to become food.
Next up is Naeun, who already looks tense. To help her out the members all decide to react favorably to her no matter what the poem. Naeun then gives us a poem about how the rain keeps on falling. Nothing special however the members react like they’ve seen the rebirth of Charlie Chaplin.
Last to give her poem is big boss Chorong, who fields a series of questions disguised as a poem. She questions why they have come to Chuncheon and if they are just here to eat chicken.
Chicken fully cooked, the members dig in, filling their bellies with an endless stream of spicy chicken. They then decide to give a chicken wrap to the person that they are most thankful for. Bomi starts off and gives her wrap to Ha Young. She was thankful of the fact that Ha Young would listen to everything she said. Bomi manages to avoid cringing till the very last moment.
Nam Joo is next and she hands her wrap to our big boss, Chorong. Unfortunately, the wrap is slightly too big and she is unable to eat it in one bite. As for why she received such a big thanks, Nam Joo says that they are where they are today thanks to their leader. Chorong was always there to reel them back when they were becoming too rowdy and would act as the anchor that held everything together.
Ha Young begins to prepare her wrap when Bomi quips in to say that she should be the recipient. Bomi mentions how she would always keep entertained. Despite this pressure, Ha Young has someone else in mind. She hands her wrap over to Eunji. As Ha Young prepares to explain why, she unfortunately forgets Eunji’s name and has to ask her what it is. Ha Young gave her wrap to Eunji because she was sorry about not being able to take care of Eunji more as she recorded her drama. She was especially troubled by the fact that she only found out later that Eun Ji went to the emergency room for exhaustion.
Naeun then gives her wrap to Ha Young, her 2nd wrap for the day. As roommates, Naeun is thankful of the fact that Ha Young would listen to everything she has to say. Naeun talks about how Ha Young would stay awake late at night to listen to her. Bomi tries to break this mood by claiming that Ha Young sleeps late anyway.
Eunji, meanwhile, is preparing a wrap of massive proportions. Bomi calls it as a punishment wrap. However, as the wrap gets bigger and bigger, Bomi’s concern too grows as well. As they say, bad premonitions usually tend to come true as Eunji’s wrap heads towards the mouth of Bomi. Bomi tries to hand it off to Nam Joo with little success. She eats the massive wrap behind the cover of a dish to protect her image. As for why Eun Ji prepared such a big wrap, she wanted to thank all the members for supporting her during her drama recording. She was also especially thankful of Bomi for taking care of her.
Last of all, Chorong has prepared two wraps. Nam Joo predicts that the two wraps are for the two members that have yet to receive a wrap. Her guess is correct as Chorong’s wraps head towards Nam Joo and Naeun. Chorong reveals that the only person that called her during their recent vacation was Nam Joo. She was thankful because she had volunteered to stay back at home by herself. Bomi said she would call but never did.
As for Naeun, Chorong understands that Naeun isn’t the type to openly express her feelings but knows that Naeun cares for everyone deeply. Naeun appears to be moved by this statement and looks to be on the verge of tears. Bomi tries to change the mood by joking around but is unable to stop the flood of tears. As Naeun starts to cry, Chorong also begins to cry (Just as Bomi predicted).
Heart warming meal over, the members head back to the station for the long ride back home. Ha Young is disappointed that they couldn’t go canoeing this time around. She had even prepared some extra clothes just in case. Hopefully they’ll get a chance to go canoeing next time.