Highlights: "Liar Game" Episode 7
This week, “Liar Game” gets political, as the “President Game” gets underway. This was yet another great episode of “Liar Game”. It’s funny, but even though I keep on thinking that this drama will run out of steam, it just keeps getting better and better. It’s the perfect mix of twisty plot and human drama, keeping you on the edge of your seat, hoping for the best for these great characters.
However, it’s not just the plot and characters that make “Liar Game” so good—it’s the format itself. Because all of our characters are contestants in the “Liar Game”, we as audience members are viewers twice over—of “Liar Game” the tvN drama, starring Lee Sang Yoon and Kim So Eun, but also of “Liar Game” the JVN reality show, starring Ha Woo Jin and Nam Da Jung. So every episode, we get our moments of human connection and insights into the conspiracy surrounding L Company, but we also get an exciting, glossy reality competition, with all of the over-the-top personalities and backstabbings that implies. It’s really the best of both worlds.
These were my five favorite scenes of “Liar Game” episode seven:
1. Da Jung has power
In a situation where braininess and a deceitful nature are necessary to stay in the game, Da Jung’s naïveté could so easily be a target of mockery. I know that I as a viewer have had moments where I wished she’d stop being so darn honest—especially last week. So I loved this moment when Woo Jin insists that her kindness and earnestness are strengths, not weaknesses. From the cleverest guy in the room, that’s a serious compliment. It’s nice to be reminded that Da Jung is our heroine for a reason.
2. Dal Goo for president
Honestly, once Dal Goo was captured by his former boss, I knew that the “Liar Game” would somehow be used to save him. But I was still really happy to see him be brought on as a presidential candidate. It’s a great way to let us see more of a really fun and lovable character.
3. Kang Do Young for president?
Even more exciting than Dal Goo’s addition to the game was Kang Do Young’s new role as presidential nominee. Do Young is a character I can’t get enough of, because he’s so mysterious, and holds so much hidden knowledge, that he feels almost more like a force of nature than a person. For him to stop being MC and become a participant is such an interesting way to change his interactions with the other characters—not to mention that this was all his idea in the first place! I have no idea what his plan is, but I’m eager to find out.
4. This guy’s our new MC?
Of all our possibilities for new MC, I did not expect it to be Director Jang. I actually laughed when he walked into the arena—I was that surprised that he honestly thought he would be a worthy replacement. After all, there’s no denying he doesn’t have even a fraction of Kang Do Young’s flair. And please tell me I’m not the only person who can only think of the actor Choi Jin Ho as Young Do’s abusive dad from “Heirs”!
5. Voting lock-out
Congressman Kang does understand that “Liar Game” is a television show, yes? Because I’m struggling to see why he thinks that it’s a good idea for him to go on TV and actively disenfranchise people that he knows will vote against him. This cannot be good for his reputation. But as a maneuver on the game, I have to admit it was pretty clever—though I am of course looking forward to Woo Jin’s way around this new obstacle!
Tell us what you thought of episode seven of “Liar Game” in the comments below!